The Vila-seca Library shows a unique exhibition of “gegants”, “gegantons” and “bestiari de festa”.
The initiative comes from a young villager, Eudald Roldan, who during the pandemic promoted a virtual meeting of giants on Instagram, which was very well received. The second edition of this meeting was attended by young people from various parts of Catalonia and the Islands.
These virtual meetings have been the reason for organizing a face-to-face exhibition now in the Vila-seca Library, which for 15 days will be the showcase for these festive elements from different places: The “gegantó Bernat dels Pallaresos”; l’Acuvi, l’Acuvila and “la Carmina de Vila-seca”; The “Mulassa petita” of the “Colla gegantera dels Alegre de Reus”; the gegants Isidre and Carme del Berguedà, etc.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a selection of books and readings on the gegants world and bestiaru de festa