Popular culture show | Vila-seca - La Pineda Platja
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Popular culture show

24 July, 2022 - 19:00

Sunday, July 24th, 7:00 p.m., exhibition of traditional culture in La Pineda, Vila-seca.

Passacaglia of Trabucaires del Comú, from Carrer de Victòria dels Àngels to Pinar de Perruquet Catalan Dances with Esbart Ramon d’Olzina de Vila-seca, in Pinar de Perruquet passacaglia with the Cavall Alat and the Txaranga Band Tocats and the Gegants and Grallers de Vila-seca, along the promenade to the Plaça de Manuel de Falla and back to the Pinar.


24 July, 2022


Pel Passeig Marítim i al Parc del Pinar de Perruquet