Cavalcade | Vila-seca - La Pineda Platja
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5 January, 2024 - 17:00


17.00 h Arrival of the royal assitants and parade on the streets of Village until to the Castell de Vila-seca (Comte de Sicart, 71)

6:30 p.m. Adoration of child Jesus

18:45 Reception by the authorities

19:00 At the “Castell de Vila-seca”, audiovisual spectacle and greeting of SSMM the “Reis Mags d’Orient” from the balcony.

At the Celler de Vila-seca, there was a live broadcast of the audiovisual spectacle and greetings from the balcony.


7:00 p.m. At the Parc del Pinar de Perruquet de la Pineda (next to the Pessebre de Sorra), there is a live broadcast of “Reis Mags d’Orient” audiovisual show.

7:20 pm   Cavalcada real, from the Parc del Pinar de Perruquet, along Passeig de Pau Casals and the streets of Alfredo Kraus and d’Amadeu Vives ends at the Pavelló Municipal d’Esports de la Pineda delivery of gifts at the “Pavelló Municipal d’Esports de la Pineda”


20:00 h Arrival of SSMM the “Reis Mags d’Orient” 

8:15 p.m. Royal cavalcade: Start at the Camí dels Morts, walk along the streets of the neighborhood and the presents delivery.

20:45 h Reception of His Holiness the “Reis Mags d’Orient”.


5 January, 2024