Visit the natural area of Séquia Major | Vila-seca - La Pineda Platja
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Visit the natural area of Séquia Major

15 January - 11:00 - 23 February - 11:00

Every Sunday from October until February, at 11am, come and visit the Séquia Major, which is a wetland, in an urban environment, which preserves a sample of the vegetation and fauna of the original Mediterranean coast. It is a protected area, included in the Plan of Areas of Natural Interest (PEIN) of the Generalitat de Catalunya, since 1992.

Booking online filling this form. If you want to ensure the visit in English you should book one week in advance. Normally the visit is given in catalan/spanish.

Information at the Tourist Office in La Pineda (located in Passeig de Pau Casals, 67) or by telephone at +34 977373037.


15 January - 11:00
23 February - 11:00


Plaça de la cançó catalana, la Pineda
Plaça de la Cançó Catalana
Vila-seca, Tarragona Espanya
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