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Vila-seca, the Pineda Platja hosts the gastronomic days “De mar a muntanya”

This morning the conference “De mar a muntanya, gastronomic degustation  Vila-seca – La Pineda” has been presented at the Pinar del Perruquet Park, in La Pineda. The conference is organised by the Association of Hotel and Catering Businesses of Vila-seca – La Pineda and has the collaboration of the Town […]

Vila-seca, la Pineda Platja promotes the destination with a sustainable tourism campaign

Return… To the sea. To breathe in the open air. To discover the underwater habitat of turtles. And connect with the natural areas of the Séquia Major. Return… To become familiar with the history of the Parc de la Torre d’en Dolça. And watch the birds depart until next year. […]

Cambrils, Reus, Salou and Vila-seca participate jointly at FITUR

The Tourist Alliance, made up of the municipalities of Cambrils, Reus, Salou and Vila-seca, is promoted again at the International Tourism Fair (FITUR) that this year is held from May 19 to 23 at the IFEMA venue in Madrid, with a joint meeting space with the Patronat de Turisme de […]

PortAventura announces opening date for next 15th May

PortAventura World is preparing to open its doors next May 15, after the last conversations held with the departments of the Generalitat de Catalunya responsible for PROCICAT, Salut and Interior. The announcement coincided with the 26th anniversary of the park. PortAventura World will start its activity with the opening of […]

The Vila-seca’s Pessebre de Sorra reaches 20 years old

It is Christmas time in Vila-seca and, as the calendar shows, one of the most deeply rooted Christmas traditions of the territory arrives: the Pessebre de Sorra. This year, the monumental sculptures formed with more than 280 m³ of sand, celebrate their 20th birthday. The construction of the sculpture group […]

“Sticker” wins the award for best fiction short film at the Vila-seca International Short Film Festival

The fifth edition of the Vila-seca International Short Film Festival (FICVI) came to the end this weekend with the prize-giving gala at the Josep Carreras Auditorium. The multifaced actor Fermí Fernández was in charge of leading the event with a lot of humor. The film “Sticker”, by Georgi Unkovski, received […]